Internet Art For Beginners

The Internet has undoubtedly changed the way people communicate, work, and even think. We shop online, read online, watch movies and TV series online. Thus, the virtual world has become a very important part of our everyday life. It has also become a place where a great number of people express their creativity. From complex creations to GIFs and memes, without realizing we have created a brand new form of art – Internet Art.

What is Internet Art?

Art has always been a form of expression of one’s creativity, in the form of a drawing, a painting, or a sculpture of great aesthetic and emotional value. Internet Art, also known as Net Art, has the same values, but it isn’t bound to galleries and museums. As indicated by its name, it uses the Internet to find its target audience. Internet artists, like the message they are trying to convey, very. There are those who dwell in burning political issues to those who create art just as a social experiment.

When Did It All Begin?

One might think that Internet Art has been around for a couple of years, no more. However, according to some experts Net Art can be traced back to 1993 with the birth of the graphical virtual world. Back in the 90s’, the Internet was an unknown place, an empty plain, where people went to explore new ways of communicating. One such example was the webpage the made. The visitor of this particular webpage would first see a series of confusing symbols, but the real art was hidden in its code’s page. 

From 1997 until 1999, the Bureau of Inverse Technology (BIT) run a plane project. It involved a video document made by a camera attached to a drone that flew over Silicone Valley that was broadcasted on a webpage.

Another project ran by Antoni Muntadas in 1994 fits in the category of Net Art’s first creations. He made an online database, called The File Room, of all censorship cases from around the globe. 

What Followed?

Along came the 2000s. With the fast growth of new users, the virtual world started changing. With it, Internet Art had also started acquiring new shapes and forms. A countless number of available images, audio and video files have made possible for people to turn their webpages into sources of a high volume of content. A popular project was hosted on a platform called Screenfull in 2004. As an homage to everything that was happening in the early 2000s, Jimpunk and Abe Linkoln made a blog that contained an enormous amount of GIFs, audio clips, images and looping videos, that gave the viewer a top-notch multimedia experience. 

And Now?

No one could have predicted the amount of influence that the Internet would have on our lives. Social media, as well as instant messaging, have enabled files to be shared almost at an alarming speed. This has greatly contributed to the meme popularization. Nowadays people are using tools like Goole Street View to produce and promote their art.